Reynolds is very pleased to announce that it has been awarded first place in the UK Fruit and Vegetable Awards 2015, within the Wholesale Innovation category!
The UK Fruit & Vegetable Awards, presented by FPJ and supported by headline sponsor Farmcare, are the first-ever pan-industry fresh produce awards voted for by the trade itself.
This is industry recognition that Reynolds has raised the bar with regards to improving service delivery and customer satisfaction by developing a custom IT module for its logistics teams. The new purpose-built, handheld driver companion device, called REDEMA (REynolds DElivery Mobile Application) has radically improved delivery statistics by providing real time knowledge of drivers and digital records of customer deliveries across our entire UK fleet.
Tony Reynolds commented, “We have been working very closely with our customers over the past few years to ensure a better customer experience, and I am very pleased that we have been able to achieve this goal with such dramatic results. Our in-house development team have done some great work, and the project overall was very well implemented, taking into consideration the needs of so many different departments and stakeholders. I could not be happier that they can now be recognised by the wider industry.”
REDEMA serves to make our distribution as transparent as possible. Electronic signatures and photographs are taken for all orders upon delivery, ensuring transparency and peace of mind for all of our customers, as well as facilitating a quicker crediting process. The team can resolve many more customer queries immediately, such as product shortages, with a visual record of each delivery available instantly. Our Customer Services team can also provide real time data to customers who want to know about the status of individual deliveries, without unnecessary calls to delivery drivers to check route progress.
What is more, at the touch of a button, account managers can easily provide accurate statistics to customers regarding how well we are servicing their operation over time, regardless of the number of delivery points.
Calls from drivers to distribution are down 20%, vehicle routing has become 2% more efficient and disputes regarding unattended deliveries have fallen by 73%. With improved order accuracy and more responsive customer service, efficiencies are being delivered across the business.
Finally, with much less paperwork required, not only are drivers and back of house staff happier, but the environmental savings are significant. Great news all round then!
To find out more about how REDEMA can benefit your operation, please contact us.
For the full list of award winners, please see the Fresh Produce Journal website.