For the third year running Reynolds has helped the dedicated team at Action Against Hunger raise urgently needed funds at the Taste of London festival, by providing some free fruit and vegetables for their pop-up restaurant.
Action Against Hunger is recognised as a leader in the fight against child malnutrition around the world, and is one of the UK food and drink industry’s charities of choice.
Food Events Co-ordinator at Action Against Hunger, Zawadi Phillimore, commented on the success of the event. “We smashed our target and sold more dishes than we could have imagined. Apparently we were one of the most popular restaurants and we received amazing reviews from customers.”
“We were able to make almost £11,000 from restaurant sales, with 100% of money from the restaurant going directly to our charity. To put this into context this is enough to provide the nutrition treatment to save the lives of over 260 severely malnourished children, or provide over 600 families in Kenya with training and enough seeds to plant for an entire season. Absolutely incredible!”
If you would like to help support Action Against Hunger at future industry events, please email Zawadi at Z.Phillimore@actionagainsthunger.org.uk.
To read more about Action Against Hunger, please use the below links:
Website: www.actionagainsthunger.org.uk
Facebook: facebook.com/ActionAgainstHungerUK
Twitter: twitter.com/ACF_UK